Saturday, September 3, 2022

The World is Turning into a Cartoon

A couple weeks ago, I dreamt the world was melting into an oily, Claymation monstrosity, reminiscent of the video for “Big Time” by Peter Gabriel. Since then, I’m seeing this in real time. I can’t get over how ludicrous everything is becoming. I can’t watch many of the alternative news channels I used to frequent. Everything is just … illogical. Repugnant. Beyond belief.

My favorite astrologer, Pam Gregory, calls this weird world we are leaving behind “3D.” The more spiritually advanced among us are supposedly graduating to 5D (skipping 4D for some reason). I actually believe this mumbo-jumbo, because, how can I not? The utter insanity of the current “3D” situation is so apparent, I just don’t see how anyone can buy it anymore.

But they do. My parents are prime examples. They actually voted for Biden. They believe in shots and masks, the whole 9 yards. My dad is an intelligent man. My mother is one of those “street smart” people who are always suspicious someone’s taking them for a ride. I don’t understand how they can’t see what a fraud this all is.

So, I’d like to take a step back from all this. I’ve been saying this a long time, but, I’m getting to the point where I just can’t watch the kind of video I used to post on this website. I want to focus on solutions, not problems, because I feel the more I do that the better my life will be. Who is promoting fear porn? The bad guys. Who wants us feeling divided? The bad guys. At this point I want to do and believe the exact opposite of what the bad guys tell me. And that means, stop looking at what is wrong (as long as you know it exists) and start focusing on solutions.

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