Tuesday, August 30, 2022

When SADS affects people you know ...

I've never actually seen Steve Wallis's wife. He's one of my favorite youtubers, but Jess Wallis never wanted to be on camera. She didn't even want to give out her name ... Steve always refered to her as "Beautiful Wife." But her presence was always palpable off-camera, she was the one who always dropped him off on his stealth camping overnighters. It was obvious how much they loved each other. That's why I cried when I found out she suddenly passed away last week. Steve was obviously devestated.

If someone were to say, "name everyone you know from Alberta" I would answer, Steve Wallis, Crazy Neighbour, and Beautiful Wife, all of whom I only know from watching "Camping with Steve" a totally non-political channel that features Steve Wallis hiding out from authorities as he camps in places like cemeteries and abandoned gas stations. He's got the best sense of humor, wonderfully "Canadian" in a wry, subtle, laid-back way.

That's why it really disturbed me when I found out his young wife went to bed with him perfectly healthy, and never woke up. As was mentioned here earlier, "Unknown Causes" is now the highest cause of death in Alberta. What the hell is going on??? I'm really upset about this.

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