Friday, February 1, 2019

Hear what you want, weird phenomenon ...

I don't know what this means, but I found it on the channel I always check about new "Mandela Effects" ...


SwordofCreation said...

I tried in vein to find your radio commentaries; please consider putting the best onto where they might not vanish.


SwordofCreation said...

Would you please be so kind as to let me know if my new "basic" series makes this comprehensible to non symbolists? (The numeric patterns are readily visible, I THINK, but it's hard when one knows too much to remember how others see this.)

Even non Jewish Masons do not know this vocab, but I'm hopeful this will open this up to a wider audience that includes non Qabalists.
Basic series; see the green 19,13,14 tab for an interesting corroborative find of late and remember green is the color of D'Evil.
(The other tabs are the same numeric patterns exposed earlier.)

Trust you're well Jody!

Ps. The reason this goal is so important is if the average person understood what to look for in their black magic rituals they'd be forced to stop killing our children in schools, thousands of others in major ops like 0911, not to mention our best leaders and artists like Jimmi Hendrix, Brian Jones and countless others. (!)

Jody Paulson said...

I went to and
it looks like most of my actual recordings are gone, they're older than a decade and there just wasn't space to keep them on If you click on the link for an individual commentary, there's a red button with a triangle on it that that will play an mp3 if they have the recording. If you hit the link that says "view script" many of them still have a script attached to them. It looks like you can still hear the first few commentaries on mp3 for the first four on the list, ("American Anthrax", "Bush vs. Nixon", "Incident at Basra" & "Skull & Bones") ... I really don't have time to muck about with them, they're pretty old and kind of dated. If you want to archive them, that's fine by me.
I'll look at your stuff sometime probably later in the week, I've got a lot on my plate just now.