We have Yosemite Sam for a national security advisor and a reality TV star for a president. 60 minutes gets its highest ratings in years interviewing a porn star who says she slept with him over 10 years ago. Real people are dying in the Middle East and nobody gives a shit. A former supreme court justice writes an
op-ed in the New York Times saying we should do away with one of our most important constitutional rights. Everything just seems to be fake. Fake boobs, fake elections, fake tragedies, fake, fake, fake! Meanwhile the Orwellian censorship and surveillance state is becoming shockingly real and WWIII seems to loom right around the corner. I feel like I should keep plugging away with this blog because so many people honestly just don't know. I don't know what to say, but I don't want to keep up with a bunch of fake news stories.
I have heard, and truly believe, the best way to change the world is to start with oneself, and then to focus on solutions instead of dwelling on problems. So maybe I should start making that more the focus of this blog. It seems to work for me on Twitter. But then, my Twitter account is at least half hashtag games and cute animal pictures. No wonder I spend more time there.