Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The mystery of the falling birds

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to anyone who reads my blog regularly that I've always been a bit fascinated with signs and portents (probably too much, but at least I'm paying attention). Right now I'm trying to figure out what might have possibly caused birds to fall out of the sky over Arkansas over New Year's. Now we have a report that even more recently, more birds dropped out of the sky over Louisiana (which should put to rest the theory the initial kill was caused by fireworks) and there have been massive fish kills in Arkansas (which scientists assure us is an unrelated event). Unrelated? Hmmm. I read another report that says the birds have been studied and it appears they weren't poisoned -- their stomachs were empty. Cause of death: blunt trauma to their internal organs. But what caused that? Hail? HAARP? Here's an interesting recent article about Directed Energy Weapons (... speaking of Mind Control ...).

Here's a link that proposes to tie these weird events together, including the freak earthquake we had here in Northeast Indiana (I slept right through it). At any rate, it doesn't seem like a very promising time for the future, does it? Today is the day of a solar eclipse, which Hindus and Buddhists say makes the energy of mantras particularly strong. Say a positive mantra for the healing of the planet today, won't you? ("Aum mani padme hum" is a longtime favorite).


Greg Bacon said...

I'm working on a blog post that deals with that weirdness.

Only blackbirds and starlings were spooked by the New Year's eve revelry and then decided to fly off into the night sky?

What about the other indigenous birds, like cardinals, bluejays, titmice, chickadees, etc?

Why didn't they get spooked and fly off into the unknown?

And why were the blackbirds startled to begin with, since the USDA has admitted past failures in trying to scare away Beebe's blackbird population and the method they commonly use is a 'propane cannon,' that emits a loud burst of noise at various intervals, so why did a few fireworks scare the birds?

CNN is reporting that the small town north of Little Rock has had almost as many earthquakes since late September as it has residents. For the record, Guy has 549 residents and since Sept. 20, the town has had 487 measurable earthquakes. Arkansas is no stranger to seismic activity. CNN quoted Scott Ausbrooks, geohazards supervisor for the Arkansas Geological Survey, saying that last year the state had 39 measurable quakes.

The New Madrid fault is not that close to Guy, but another busy seismic area, known as the Enola Swarm is closer — 15 miles south of Guy. The Enola Swarm is known for causing up to 40,000 "microquakes" over the last 30 years. But most of these have gone unnoticed, which seems inconsistent with what is happening now.


Guy, Ar is about 30 miles NW of Beebe, Arkansas.

Is the Pentagon's HAARP facility, in remote Gakona, AK causing havoc in Arkansas?

HAARP was playing some loud notes on 9.23.2010, about the same time Arkansas was experiencing a massive number of quakes.

HAARP reading from 9.23.2010


But when you look for the next day's readings, this is what pops up:

No data available on 24 Sep 2010

HAARP on 12.30.2010


HAARP on 12.31.2010


If you get real curious and look for 9/11 HAARP readings, this will pop up:


No data available on 11 Sep 2001

Does this mean the HAARP is beign used for nefarious purposes?

I'm not really sure, but I am sure that I don't trust ANYTHING the feds say or say they're doing or not.

Nicoli Tesla developed a directed energy weapon nearly 70 years ago.

Just imagine how much further that weapon has come with the aid of super-computers.

Greg Bacon said...

I'm working on a blog post that deals with that weirdness.

Only blackbirds and starlings were spooked by the New Year's eve revelry and then decided to fly off into the night sky?

What about the other indigenous birds, like cardinals, bluejays, titmice, chickadees, etc?

Why didn't they get spooked and fly off into the unknown?

And why were the blackbirds startled to begin with, since the USDA has admitted past failures in trying to scare away Beebe's blackbird population and the method they commonly use is a 'propane cannon,' that emits a loud burst of noise at various intervals, so why did a few fireworks scare the birds?

CNN is reporting that the small town north of Little Rock has had almost as many earthquakes since late September as it has residents. For the record, Guy has 549 residents and since Sept. 20, the town has had 487 measurable earthquakes. Arkansas is no stranger to seismic activity. CNN quoted Scott Ausbrooks, geohazards supervisor for the Arkansas Geological Survey, saying that last year the state had 39 measurable quakes.

The New Madrid fault is not that close to Guy, but another busy seismic area, known as the Enola Swarm is closer — 15 miles south of Guy. The Enola Swarm is known for causing up to 40,000 "microquakes" over the last 30 years. But most of these have gone unnoticed, which seems inconsistent with what is happening now.


Guy, Ar is about 30 miles NW of Beebe, Arkansas.

Is the Pentagon's HAARP facility, in remote Gakona, AK causing havoc in Arkansas?

HAARP was playing some loud notes on 9.23.2010, about the same time Arkansas was experiencing a massive number of quakes.

HAARP reading from 9.23.2010


But when you look for the next day's readings, this is what pops up:

No data available on 24 Sep 2010

HAARP on 12.30.2010


HAARP on 12.31.2010


If you get real curious and look for 9/11 HAARP readings, this will pop up:


No data available on 11 Sep 2001

Does this mean the HAARP is beign used for nefarious purposes?

I'm not really sure, but I am sure that I don't trust ANYTHING the feds say or say they're doing or not.

Nicoli Tesla developed a directed energy weapon nearly 70 years ago.

Just imagine how much further that weapon has come with the aid of super-computers.

P.S. I'm having trouble posting this comment, so please excuse me if the comment pops in twice.

Light Keeper said...

Then there's this:


Not to rule out HAARP in the general scheme of things

At the very least, atrocities are seeing the light of day pretty quickly.

Jody Paulson said...

Sorry it took me so long to post these comments, I've been away from the computer a couple days ...

Jestermeister said...

I think the blunt trauma might be from the birds falling after dying. The cause of death might be haarp, especially if it happens to specific species of animals in measured "clumps" at a very specific time like new years eve. They might simply be upping the strength of the mind control frequencies on New Year's eve and red winged blackbirds are the most easily effected because of their mass numbers, the altitude they fly and at what frequency their little pea brains operate.

Greg Bacon said...

If it was fireworks, then why no reports of massive bird kills on July 4th, when their would have been a helluva lot more of those things shot off?