Monday, June 8, 2020

Quick Update

I've had to take a forced hiatus from the Internet for the last few weeks. It was probably very good for me, but I've got a lot of catching up to do and very limited time on the Internet. Regular readers know I rely on the public library to do my Internet work, and they've finally reopened for computers but they only take reservations for a limited time. So, the good news is, I'm alive! But the bad news is I'm not sure how much time I can dedicate to doing my blogs and Twitter account, at least for the foreseeable future. I just want everyone to know that I appreciate all your concern and to let everyone know that not all is as it seems, be very skeptical of what you see on the news because everyone has an agenda. Use your common sense. Remember, you are a lot more powerful than the bad guys want you to think, and the only power they have is what the people give them. (In case you were wondering, the reason my time stamps are so early is that I started this blog in the Pacific Time Zone and I currently live in the Eastern Time Zone).


tsisageya said...

Oh good, Jodi! I've been wondering and thinking about you, although I did figure your absence was because of the 'rona fraud. Welcome back! I'm glad you're back.

Jody Paulson said...

Thanks, tsisageya. :)