Video by Scott Creighton:
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
Are You Ready for the Great Reset?
Here's another post about how the virus and BLM movement are pushing a dystopian Globalist agenda. I like the fact that Max Igan (the Crow House guy) is optimistic about our chances of stopping this madness. The second video is something I found at Northern Truth Seeker, who got it from Peekay's new youtube channel. It talks about how wearing a mask lowers oxygen to unsafe levels, definitely not something you'd want to wear all day!
*** UPDATE ***
Max Igan's entire youtube channel was taken down. Here's a tweet from him:
*** UPDATE ***
Max Igan's entire youtube channel was taken down. Here's a tweet from him:
Youtube just terminated TheCrowhouse channel. No warning, one strike and gone, 13 years of my life's work, over 1000 videos, 236k subscribers, deleted. Please subscribe to my old AodScarecrow channel and to TheCrowhouse on bitchute.
— max igan (@maxigan) July 8, 2020
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Held hostage by a virus. Show us your "papers!"
Scott talks about how they are inflating the numbers in Florida. Of course the numbers of *cases* go up when the amount of testing goes up, but the number of deaths is still going down. And what are these deaths really from? People who were dying anyway and just happened to have the virus, or could have been exposed to the virus somehow, false positives, and other ways of fudging the numbers. So I guess Black Lives Matter so much the first guinea pigs for new "vaccines" are going to be people in Africa. *sigh* SMH
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
The question nobody asks: "Why did Chauvin murder Floyd?"
Most Americans assume the answer is: "Because he's a racist cop and he thinks he's going to get away with it." But that's a remarkably simplistic assumption. Chauvin knew he was being filmed. He knew the police chief of Minneapolis was black and he knew he was putting (at the very least!) his job on the line by kneeling on a man's neck for almost 9 minutes. Think about that. I get impatient waiting for the bus after nine minutes!
The fact is, Chauvin and Floyd knew each other. They both worked security at the same nightclub, El Nuevo Rodeo. Assuming this whole thing wasn't staged like the Jussie Smollett fiasco, both the press and the police should be investigating what Chauvin's motive might have been to deliberately, with intent, murder George Floyd. But nobody's asking that question. They are doing everything they can to advance the idea that this is all about race. Obviously something else is involved.
But that doesn't fit the narrative, does it? :/
The fact is, Chauvin and Floyd knew each other. They both worked security at the same nightclub, El Nuevo Rodeo. Assuming this whole thing wasn't staged like the Jussie Smollett fiasco, both the press and the police should be investigating what Chauvin's motive might have been to deliberately, with intent, murder George Floyd. But nobody's asking that question. They are doing everything they can to advance the idea that this is all about race. Obviously something else is involved.
But that doesn't fit the narrative, does it? :/
Friday, June 19, 2020
It's going to be a wild summer
Big astronomical events happening around this time. Mercury just went retrograde, which is traditionally a time when communications go haywire. Tomorrow is the summer solstice, and the very next day there will be a solar eclipse, visible in the Eastern hemisphere in places like China & India. The last time there was a solar eclipse it was visible in Australia, and just after that they had some massive fires. So we're not exactly starting off the summer on the right foot. I remember when they had a solar eclipse visible in much of the US, and astrologers were comparing it to the planetary alignments of the French revolution. Which is what these days kind of remind me of, frankly.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Understanding Unconventional Warfare
For those who want to understand the big picture of what is happening right now. This model has already been used on many third-world countries. Now it's being used on a global scale. Video by Scott Creighton of Nomadic Everyman:
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Why are the rich and powerful supporting CHAZ?
Really Graceful makes a good point here. If the city of Seattle really wanted to get rid of CHAZ all they'd have to do is cut off their utilities. This isn't like Occupy Wall Street. This is about using useful idiots to forward an agenda.
Friday, June 12, 2020
A little perspective on the chances of dying from this virus.
Again, hat-tip to NTS for alerting me to this eye-opening video:
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Bill Gates doesn't want to Microchip you he wants to Tattoo You Instead
Mark of the beast? (Rev. 13:17)
Monday, June 8, 2020
Quick Update
I've had to take a forced hiatus from the Internet for the last few weeks. It was probably very good for me, but I've got a lot of catching up to do and very limited time on the Internet. Regular readers know I rely on the public library to do my Internet work, and they've finally reopened for computers but they only take reservations for a limited time. So, the good news is, I'm alive! But the bad news is I'm not sure how much time I can dedicate to doing my blogs and Twitter account, at least for the foreseeable future. I just want everyone to know that I appreciate all your concern and to let everyone know that not all is as it seems, be very skeptical of what you see on the news because everyone has an agenda. Use your common sense. Remember, you are a lot more powerful than the bad guys want you to think, and the only power they have is what the people give them. (In case you were wondering, the reason my time stamps are so early is that I started this blog in the Pacific Time Zone and I currently live in the Eastern Time Zone).
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