When I first started this website, I really wanted to get out to people certain things that were absolutely not being talked about on the mainstream news. I knew the mainstream media was lying to us about 9/11 and covering up evil schemes by the Deep State like geoengineering (chemtrails), Cointelpro-like harassment & gangstalking, plans to microchip us all, take away our Bill of Rights, etc. Obviously a lot of things have happened in ten years. I learned about "crisis actors", staged terror attacks and started a
Twitter account, which frankly suits my limited attention span better than blogging.
At the time, I thought the title "What They Don't Tell You" would be fine. It was the name of a series of radio commentaries I did back in 2004-2005. Now I'm at the point of not even wanting to know what they tell you. Because they're all lies. ISIS is a lie. Pretty much all of these so called "terror attacks" are fake. I'm starting to think like I've been acting like a dog chasing her tail. Once people understand the news is pretty much fake, they can decide for themselves what to do about it. As for me, I'm not sure what's real and what isn't and to be honest, I simply can't keep up. I don't want to watch the mainstream media anymore. I'm not an expert on the Middle East and even if I were I'm in no position to know what's really going on over there. So how can I tell you "What They Don't Tell You?"
I know there are a lot of people out there that still don't know about false flags, staged events, and what happened on 9/11/01. I still want to wake these people up. But I don't know what's going on in Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, etc. so I'm probably not going to talk about them anymore. I'd like to just stick with what I know. War is stupid. It's a racket. The Global Elite make big money funding both sides of a conflict. They are the real terrorists. They scare people into hating each other, blinding them to the fact that they are constantly being robbed and exploited by another group altogether.
I'm not sure how to end this post, but I just want to let you know that, despite the title of this blog, I can't possibly tell you everything they are not telling you because I'm not a know-it-all and I don't want to know what they're saying anymore, anyway. Because it's all bullshit. I'll keep posting what I like but I'm going to start steering away from up-to-the-minute breaking news because what is important is that more and more people understand the bigger picture.