Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Thoughts on the Manchester Bombing

I hope to look more into this today, but my initial reaction is that it's another hoax. Like so many of these hoaxes, there is no CCTV of the blast released to the public (that I'm aware of at the moment). Just another endless loop of girls running around, looking confused, flashing lights and the same fake-looking people being walked (not carried by stretcher, but walked) by the police to God knows where, with the same makeshift tourniquets on their legs which don't seem to be injured at all. I mean, when people are in pain, you can see it on their faces. If you get shrapnel in your legs, that's got to hurt like hell. But again, no one ever winces as they are walked to (I assume) a waiting ambulance.

My question is, how could they have identified the suicide bomber so quickly? Did he happen to carry one of those indestructible passports with him? If so, he was pretty damn stupid because that would lead police straight to his brother, who apparently chose not to die that day. And police said they found an additional bomb later on, I assume that was not strapped to anyone's person. Why would one person choose to blow themselves up and then there be another bomb that was left laying around somewhere? I don't buy it. Anyway, I'm going to look more into this story today, so I'll probably be updating this post.

I found out from Aangirfan (via NTS) that police actually identified Salman Abedi "through a bank card found in his pocket." Again, that would have been really dumb for him to carry to his death because that led police straight to his family, whose house was raided. His brother Ismail was arrested. Peekay Truth, who does such good work analyzing these kinds of hoaxes, has a lot of videos up on his new channel (youtube was giving him nothing but problems). Here's one of them:

I saw this revealing image on Twitter:

This is pretty revealing as well!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Crisis Actors Rehearse Terror Attack in Manchester, UK

This video was posted last year. It depicts crisis actors rehearsing a terror attack inside the Trafford Centre, Manchester's largest shopping mall.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Chelsea Manning Free! Here are the crimes she revealed (video)

Essentially, Manning spent seven years in prison for exposing heinous war crimes by the United States of America.
From The Jimmy Dore Show

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

This is how limosine liberals are ruining Democratic Party

I wonder how much George Soros paid these guys to protest stupid crap that doesn't mean anything to anyone.

George Webb talks about the Seth Rich/Wikileaks story

Lots of people died or "disappeared" last year in connection to Killary's scandals. George Webb discusses them all.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Seth Rich Transferred 44,054 Emails to @Wikileaks Per Federal Investigator

#SethRich has been trending on Twitter all day, with a quarter million tweets at any one time. As expected, mainstream media has been ignoring this new information, with the exception of Fox News. Video by Sane Progressive.

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Greatest Miracle in Living Memory (video)

Baby flies 150 meters thru the air after being struck by terrorist in Melbourne, not that badly injured.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Nifty camping "gajicks" (in case the power goes out)

I like this video from "Crazy Russian Hacker." In light of recent power outages Americans have been experiencing lately, I think some of these "gajicks" would be smart to invest in.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Dummies used at London Car Attack?

Here's another great video from Peekay (again I should warn you he uses salty language). There's something pretty weird about this guy whose shoes are neatly placed next to each other on the street. The only explanation (besides his being a mannequin) I could possibly give for his rear being off the ground is that he's having a seizure. But if this were true, why is no one else at all concerned?