I recently found "Squirrel Tribe" on youtube. This lady has posted a lot of interesting stuff about Ohio lately. Did you know there was a movie that came out last year about a train derailment using extras from East Palestine? Things that make you go hmmmm. You wonder if Blackrock and Vanguard are setting their sights on buying up property near that town.
Whatever your particular "brand" of spiritual belief (if any), I think we'd all agree that the body is our vehicle on this earthly plane. Abusing it with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gluttony or sexual immorality causes more problems than I can name. I've been guilty of all these vices except smoking, and I didn't even break the law. Popular culture practically encourages us to buy addictive prescription drugs, drink excessively, have sex before marriage, and stuff our face with junk food.
Why do we do it? Mostly social pressure. That's how Big Business got so many people to take the punch, isn't it? I see this as the major agenda the NWO is pushing right now. They make all their money on people (knowingly or not) paying for destruction or defilement of the body.
This is where I come to vent about what they don't talk about in the mainstream news. I've also written articles on Indymedia and made quite a few radio commentaries.
I believe it's up to each and every one of us to contribute our own special talents to make this world a better place for all of us. You can still read my old stuff on X at jodypaulson (I was locked out). My current account is at greentaralady.
Grandfather, look at our brokenness. We know that in all creation only the human family has strayed from the sacred way. We know that we are the ones who are divided and we are the ones who must come back together to walk in the sacred way. Grandfather, sacred one, teach us love, compassion, and honor that we may heal the earth and heal each other.