Monday, February 28, 2022

Focus on what you can control

I can't tell you what's going on in Ukraine right now. I can tell you that the Mainstream Media is selling you an agenda, and I'm inclined to think that most of what we're seeing is pure theater.

In recent months I've come to embrace a philosophy called "Stoicism," which embodies this idea from the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Worrying and focusing on things you can't control doesn't help anyone. It leads people to react mindlessly out of fear instead of responding in an intelligent manner.

There are bad guys who gain a lot of power by sowing chaos to get the herd to react in a way that suits them, even if they're being stampeded off a cliff. Don't let them affect you. Turn off your TV if it makes you anxious. Do what's in your control to prepare for big changes that are likely coming. I didn't waste a minute of brain power pondering the "Russia gate" scandal, and I'm so glad!


This is the tool bad guys use to get people to do what they want. You have the choice not to live that way.

Things might look scary, but calm is contagious. You can be a rock for others just by keeping your head. Meditation is a great tool for learning to recognize the still, soft voice from within.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Havana Syndrome in Australia?

As I've said before, this technology has been in use for a very long time. Research "orgone" (not on Google). Meditation and any form of exercise cultivating prana (or ch'i, qi, or ki as it is known in the far East) can be helpful as well. From the UROS75 Channel on Bitchute:

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

New studies conclude that well-tested, cheap medicine is effective against virus

New studies from Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and India now show something (that sounds like Ivory Make Tin) is an effective tool in the prevention of contracting as well as in the treatment of the disease everyone's talking about. But the whack seen companies don't want you to know that because it will take away their emergency authorization. Video by Scott Creighton: