I watched maybe five minutes of news on TV yesterday. Whenever I saw the subject was "Coronavirus" I quickly changed the channel. I'm disappointed that even news people I used to like, or at least tolerate, were hyping up this fear porn as if their jobs depended on it, which I suppose they do. But even with that five minutes I gleaned that Drumpf had given a speech saying there will be a way people can just drive up to a window and "get swabbed" for the virus. The first thing that flashed through my mind was, "what a perfect way to collect DNA for a national database!" The second thing was, how do we know what are on those swabs?
I think it's a bad idea. I don't have a car, but even if I did I'm not about to have Homeland Security test me at a drive-through window. If you're not sick, don't do it, and if you feel sick, stay home. Duh.
Yes, I know, it's another "woo-woo" esoteric post on what I've called my "political" blog. But actually the name of the blog is "What They Don't Tell You" and a lot of what they don't tell you falls under this category. Whether or not you believe in the spiritual side of politics, you have to admit that the guys who have been in power for centuries most certainly do. They mostly believe in the "Dark Side," because we've been living in the Age of Materialism, where money is king. You know the old saw, "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king?" Think about it. There's one eye on top of the pyramid on the one dollar bill. Money => mon + ey => one [mono] + eye.
Anyway, it started yesterday, when I left the library. I could just see that there was a kind of "quickening" in the air, and though by the time I got to my motel room I felt like I was under a heavy psi/technological attack (this has been going on for years) and felt really worried and in despair, I had just watched a video about Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" (posted below) and wrote down all the things I was worried about, and what I could do about them. One of them was the constant attacks I've been under that I've largely kept silent about for years. I've written about it in the past, but I try not to dwell on it because it seemed kind of pointless. No one was going to believe me anyway, and it would make the rest of my work, which I saw as being important enough to be attacked for, less credible. Things have changed. The rules have changed. Many, many more people have been exposed to the lies and the cover-ups, and I realized my story may actually be credible for the people who count. By now if you don't realize really nasty people have been trying to pull the wool over our eyes about the things that really matter, you're willfully being ignorant.
Anyway, one of the things I listed as a possible "solution" to my problem was to tell people about it. I know how uncool it is to brag about one's intelligence level, but I used to go to conferences with people from MIT and talk about Artificial Neural Networks. And I've been living without a permanent address for almost twenty years. I'm talking homeless shelter, soup kitchen, pan-handling poverty (for the first ten years, before I got solidly on government assistance). I lost my whole family over this. I know I'm kind of nuts but I was driven insane, it's not my fault or even a natural disease.
This morning I got up and I knew things had changed. The rules have changed. These guys are about to be exposed big time. I'm just letting you know right now, because, after all, the name of this blog is "What They Don't Tell You." Speak truth to "power." It's actually your power. The powers that were don't have long.
This is where I come to vent about what they don't talk about in the mainstream news. I've also written articles on Indymedia and made quite a few radio commentaries.
I believe it's up to each and every one of us to contribute our own special talents to make this world a better place for all of us. You can still read my old stuff on X at jodypaulson (I was locked out). My current account is at greentaralady.
Grandfather, look at our brokenness. We know that in all creation only the human family has strayed from the sacred way. We know that we are the ones who are divided and we are the ones who must come back together to walk in the sacred way. Grandfather, sacred one, teach us love, compassion, and honor that we may heal the earth and heal each other.