I just finished reading this article at NTS. I've been reluctant to write about what's going on in Iraq and Syria as regards independent Kurdistan, because I don't know much about it. But this statement from the Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Emmanuel Nahshon, really gelled what this is all about: "... Kurdistan will be like a second Israel where we can weaken our enemies like Russia and Iran.” Read NTS's article here:
The Truth About This "Independent Kurdistan": Criminal Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman States That Independent Kurdistan Will Be A "SECOND ISRAEL" Where Israel Can Weaken Russia And Iran!
So now we know what this crap going on in Northern Iraq and Syria is all about, straight from the horse's mouth. Scott Creighton, Greencrow and many others have been writing about this for a long time. Much of what we've been hearing in the mainstream media has been a huge distraction, with the added incentive of sowing division and hatred along race and party lines. ISIS is being used as a tool to carve out a "second Israel" in northern Iraq and Syria.
Welcome to the world of oligarchy.
1 hour ago